Indigo Organizing

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You can do this.

If you’ve been watching the new Netflix series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, you might have the sudden urge to purge.

Luckily, you can EASILY get in on the action. You can achieve your very own reality TV show “before and after” results in your closet, and it only takes 5 hours. Think about inviting a friend over to do this with you, and vice versa. (And if you REALLY full stuck, you can, of course, call me!)

Here’s how to do it:

Step One:

Find a time in your schedule when you can get five hours, distraction free. No kids. No husbands. No phones. This is YOUR time.

Step Two:

Pile every item of clothing on the bed.

  • Make sure ALL of your clothes are washed.

  • Drag those off-season clothes out of the basement.

  • Bring up those coats from the entry-way closet.

  • Pull out those old bridesmaid dresses. You know, the teal ones with puffed sleeves.

Take a ‘before’ picture of your closet AND your pile.

Step Three:

Divide the clothes into broad categories like: Tops, Bottoms, Skirts, Pajamas, etc. Don’t worry about deciding what to keep yet. Focus on sorting, not discarding.

Step Four:

Now this is where the magic really comes in. You are going to take each and every item of clothing in your hand and ask yourself: Does this spark joy?

Pay attention to how the garment makes you feel. Does it give you a jolt of happiness? Do you love wearing it? Or do you frown, think about feeling frumpy, or have a bad memory?

If it doesn’t spark joy, thank it for its service and let it go with gratitude, ie put it in your “donations” pile.

A few tips:

  • Get quick wins. Start with a smaller category so that you can feel the momentum.

  • Make a “maybe” pile. Don’t lose momentum by trying things on that you really can’t decide on. Make a “maybe” pile and try all of those on at the end. (You’ll likely let go of 95% of them!)

  • Make notes. As you go, write down items that need to be replaced or upgraded.

  • Take a break. Midway, take a 15-minute break. Have some tea and a light snack.

  • Take stock. Take stock at the four hour mark. You might need to leave a few categories for homework, like shoes and bags.

Step Five:

Put all of your donations and items to sell right in the car!

Step Six:

Put all of the clothing that sparks joy back into the closet and folded in their drawers. To learn how to do Marie Kondo’s special folding method, visit this video. Think about using all that extra space in your closet to display your favorite items. I put my favorite books and my grandmother’s milk glass on the top shelf of my closet, where all of my bulky sweaters used to fall over onto each other. Some people hang artwork inside the doors or display wedding photos.

A few tips:

  • Someday = Never. If you find yourself thinking, “I might wear this someday,” think again. Think about your life today. Check out this post for what to do with clothes that don’t fit.

  • Don’t get bogged down on sentimental items. Set aside sentimental items. Can you turn that fabric into a cool pouch? Can you display it?

  • Beware of the temptation of ‘selling’. It’s tempting to want to sell your items. Be aware that consignors are VERY selective. Often, you will get more back by donating the item and cashing in on a tax refund. Check out this blog post to learn more about the pros and cons of consigning.

Now sit back, take that after photo, and enjoy!

After just five hours and six steps, you’ve created a closet that gives you joy, easy mornings and a boost of confidence.