
Mastering the Starred Feature in Gmail

If you’ve ever taken a deep dive into your Gmail account, you may have stumbled upon a long list of starred emails, often with no clear memory of why they were marked. As I work with clients to declutter their inboxes, this is a common scenario. Today, let’s explore the best ways to use the star feature in Gmail and how to keep your inbox organized.

Mastering Mac's Finder: Finally understand where and how to organize, save and find your files

Do you need help keeping your files, folders, and documents organized on your Mac? Fear not, because Finder is here to help! But let's face it, most of us need help figuring out how to use it.

When I first got my Mac last year, I was overwhelmed by my Mac's Finder. How do I know where something is saved? What do all those icons across the top mean? How can I get to my favorite folders?

After figuring out some tips and tricks, Finder became soooo helpful. In this blog, I'll show you how you can use Finder to better organize, declutter, and find files on your Mac.