Photo by Facundo Aranda on Unsplash
I can't do the dishes without Ray. Ray LaMontagne, that is.
You see, when I look at that messy pile of what-just-happened in my kitchen, my first thought is "ugh". My second thought is "Ray".
I ask myself, is this a "2-song mess" or a "3-song mess"? Then I get to work. "OK Google - Play Ray LaMontagne".
(If you've gotten this far, and don't know who Ray LaMontagne is, stop right now and listen to this song. You're welcome.)
So often, I feel downright annoyed by the drudgery of daily life.
Wake up. Make the bed. Make the breakfasts. Pack the lunches. Pack the homework. Wash the dishes. Fold the laundry. Clean the floors. Run the errands. Pick up at school. Fold more laundry. Wash more dishes. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Let's be honest. It can be BORING. Especially when there are so many other more thrilling things to do. Like read articles about life hacks. Or read The Invention of Wings. Or watch The Handmaid's Tale. Or sleep. Oh, glorious sleep. (Can you tell I'm an introvert?!)
The thing is, when I think about it, usually that thing I need to do will take me no longer than two songs do it. Three songs, max.
So, I roll up my sleeves, tell my husband that I need some alone time with Ray, and then we (me and Ray) do the dishes. (Don't worry - it'll be my husband's turn to do the dishes next.)
After about three songs, the dishes are done, I'm humming my favorite songs, and I'm off to read my book, or watch my show, or cuddle with my daughter, or sleep. Oh. Glorious. Sleep.
Next time you're faced with a little drudgery, invite somebody to do the dishes with you.
Just not Ray.
He's taken.